Manufacture Support

Low-Volume Manufacturing

SciencEdge's extensive knowledge with RP (rapid prototyping) enable us to produce functional protoypes quickly and affordable. RP offers the unique ability to achieve complex and accurate geometries in plastics and (limited) metals, such that it can be used to provide sturdy and usable parts for low-volume or custom applications at a reasonable price. Furthermore, RP can be the ONLY means to fabricate intrinsic geometries which are not possible to produce with any other technology, opening a new window into -otherwise- impossible to make products.

Final Product Manufacturing Support

Complementing our service commitment to our clients, we provide support throughout the manufacturing product realization phase, including:

  • Manufacture-ready documentation
  • Quotation submission and review
  • Supplier qualification and selection
  • Post-manufacturing tooling support
  • Complete specifications
  • Assembly Instructions
  • Final Test Protocols
  • Production start-up support

PCB Assembly

To complement our electronic design department, we offer fully capable printed circuit board assembly services (including SMT, through-hole, and mixed technologies) from a single prototype to volume quantities. Services included:

  • Prototype through Production runs
  • SMT, Thru-hole and Mixed Technology
  • Fine Pitch Components
  • ESD Compliant
  • Full Functional Testing
  • Conformal coating & potting
  • IC programming (µP, memory, etc.)
  • Specialty Connectors

Electromechanic Assembly

Our multidisciplinary experience enable us to provide quality full system assembly services, as follows:

  • Top-Assembly and Sub-Assembly
  • Full Integration with Electronics
  • Wiring and Interconnections
  • Interactive Functional Testing